Don't promise the world
I won't believe you.
My mind is practical
And no more romantic
Than a can filled with sand
By the filthy shore.
Don't expect me
To fall at your feet
As you lavish me with gifts.
I am not a toy,
Or a digger looking
For the comfortable
And common.
Do not be surprised
If I demand equal rights.
I do not want to be
A man.
What I want is to be
Treated like an equal
With great minds.
My opinions are mine.
I do not expect you
To believe them or adhere.
What I need is for you
Not to treat them as trash.
I need arguments and discussions
Not to be patronized.
You are welcome to be angry.
I am crazy most times.
I am angry most times.
But never touch me in anger
Or you will find yourself
In a corner seeing stars.
Don't promise me the world.
I can't do it for you.
What I can promise
Is that I will love you
Mind, crazy as it may be;
Body, you know me;
Soul, the half of mine.
I promise.