Sunday, June 27, 2021

Fall Slowly

We fall

We fall

We fall

We fall slowly.

From a sad love full of pains

Of memories of betrayals

And neverending anxiousness

And of tears and long goodbyes,

We met quite suddenly.

Almost like a surprise.

And we fell

We fell

We fell

We are still falling.

With laughters and tears,

Unable to put a stop on things

We caved in and surrendered

Even knowing that our hearts

Are still tender as new reeds

In early spring, snow-covered still.

And so we fall

We fall

We fall

We are falling slowly.

One step at a time,

One inch, one foot, a meter,

Hellos and goodbyes.

We have never been good at this,

But still we risked our necks

And gave in to the desires.

Fall slower

Fall slower

Fall slower

We keep moving faster.

My heart is not yours yet,

And yet we move like one set.

Our hands fit together like gloves,

Your casual embrace melts my soul.

It makes me remember and forget,

Like changing seasons in hurricane.

Hold and fall deeper

Fall deeper

Fall deeper

And deeper still.

Spring, summer, fall, and winter.

You waited quite a while.

Loudly but quietly.

Elaborately smiling while you suffer

Just to find the me I lost last spring.

For a promise I now vow to keep.

R.M. 2021.06.27

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