Sunday, June 27, 2021

Changing Seasons

Did you think of me as the leaves fell
And sunlight dimmed as it fell through the clouds
Not bothering to brighten the darkened street
Where you turned around and left
Without goodbye, just a sad, unfaithful smile.

Did you think of me as snowflakes fell
And grew into monsters of white walls
Covering the bridge where you said you loved me
Above all else, and gave me an inherited ring
Telling me it’s a token of forever love, an answered dream.

Did you think of me as the frost turned to dew
And dissipated with the weak sunlight through the roof
As the garden turned green once again
And the seeds you planted finally broke free and grew.
Like the love you confessed with a summer song.

Did you even think of me as the sun rose
In that humid day where tears fell like sweat
As a miracle happened between two people.
A gift, you said, and warmly gave me a hot embrace
You laughed then, and we danced like mischief-makers.

Did you think of me during those last few steps
And the summers of long past, that I now regret.
Did you walk away with a heavy heart and thought
Of the promises you’ve made but never kept.
Or do you still call my name during the nights your shoulder is in pain?

R.M. 2021.06.27

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