Saturday, May 16, 2020

Don’t Tell Me to Unlove You

Don’t tell me what to do
How to help you
Or show my love to you.
Don’t tell me to go
When you know I don’t want to.

When I see you down
Lying on the floor,
Trapped by heavy steels
And unable to rise,
Don’t tell me to walk away.

You can curse me all you want.
Curse me until you’re hoarse.
Curse me until you lose
Your breath that I am
Trying to salvage from
This wreckage.
But don’t expect me to go.

I may hurt myself trying
To find ways to save you.
But love, I will still try.
And I will succeed.
You won’t be down for long.
Even if you hate it,
I will rescue you.

Even if no one else helps
As we try to survive the fire,
And the burning melts around.
As my hands stumble on 
Makeshift levers on the ground,
This I vow: You will survive.

I have no intentions to die.
No. I am no masochist.
No. I don’t want pain.
But I will brave this,
I will be brave for both of us
Until we both get out of here.

So yell some more.
Be angry with me
For staying—and forcing you
To stand up and move.
I don’t care.
Don’t tell me what to do
Because I can’t unlove you.

- RM

Friday, May 1, 2020

Something Good

I spilled my coffee on the floor
This morning while I
Was rushing through
The Door.
I almost cursed--but didn't.
My heart felt like something
Good is about to happen today.

My sleeve got caught on the
Car's door when I got-off
At the office's parking area.
Almost caught my skin,
But I survived it intact.
I felt my head swimming.
Something good is about to happen.

The elevator door took
A long time coming down.
If it was any other day,
My blood pressure would have
Gone up and with it, anger.
But I kept my cool
And reached my desk smiling.
Something is different.

Everything is the same everywhere
I look, but there's a wild feeling
That something great
Is about to happen.
Maybe not right now,
Maybe later.
Something good is in the air.

I had a good lunch and laughed
At my friend's corny jokes
And didn't bother getting irritated
By the people who hate me
As much as I don't like them.
Then, it's past two-thirty.
A buzz on the table; a call--
Ten minutes later I am crying
Because something wonderful happened!

- R.M.