Friday, May 28, 2021

I Will Forget You

I'll forget you.

Your scent, your smile,

That darling indentation beneath

Your laugh lines.

I will throw away all

The things that attracted me.

This is not right.

I could have done better

Than spend my days dreaming

Constantly about you.

I will remove your voice

From my memories.

Let the silence descent.

I would rather close my eyes,

And my heart, than remember you.

Your name will be banned

In my house, in my heart,

Until you become a stranger.

I'll burn your memories.

Until there's nothing left to remind me

Of the nights we spent together.

You have become like a curse,

That I need to exorcise from my life.

Go away.

I'll bury you.

This time, in the darkest corners.

Along with the times you loved me,

And soothed away the loneliness.

I will remember them no more.

Let the roots dry up and the tree die.

- RM. 2021.05.28

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wedding Veil

 They said it was impossible.

We're too far apart

We're too attached to our homeland

We're too ambitious for our own good

We're too busy to give it time

But you sent me flowers that night, 

And was waiting by my house's gate

That late summer night.

With a smile on your face

And a shy, "Are you surprised?"

Beloved, my darling born in Winter's coldest night,

They said it will never work

That compromise is not in our blood

We're too strong

We're too hardheaded

We're too set in our own ways

We're too proud to give in

But I took the red-eye for half a day

To be there on your special day.

So sing for me, love. Smile.

For so long we were burdened 

By the question of "Why?"

Why were we alone for so long?

We tried. Oh, how we tried.

How we loved, how we hurt

Only to be left again and again.

To be told that we're not enough,

Or that we are too much.

When the only thing we ever asked for

Was for the loneliness to stop.

We thought it was impossible

And almost gave up.

Thinking that this was it.

This hollow shadow inside would

Never lighten up. 

But spring came and so did my letter.

You tried to ignore it.

I tried to forget it.

But summer came, and so did your letter.

A whole new world opened anew.

My dearest, my smiling darling born in winter

They said it will never work

My family don't like you

Your family don't like me

They don't like our choices

They don't like our compromises

But here we are, tears in our eyes

Facing each other, flowing in the music

Hearts aching as we make our vows.

I am yours. You are mine. Forever.

- RM . 05.12.2021

Friday, May 7, 2021

Is This What Love Is?

 Is this what love is

I fall for another

But when I close my eyes

I still see you,

And your bright smile.

Taunting me of dreams

I've let go for a long time.

Is this what love is

I look at your pictures 

And call you ugly

But I smile, my heart smiles.

Because I see your bright eyes

Taunting me of dreams

I've taught myself to forget.

Is this what love is

I say I'm just fond of you

That I've given up.

But I see the sadness in your eyes

And the tears in your smiles.

Making me remember

Why we're the half of each other.

Is this what love is

I push thoughts of you

By loving another

But my heart clench

When I see a remembrance of you

Making me remember

Why we're the half of each other.

Is this how much I love you

That even when we don't talk

Even when we don't see each other

I remember the feel of your hands

The tears, kisses, and long goodbye

Taunting me of dreams

I don't want to remember.

Is this how much I love you

That when I hear the echo of your voice

See a shadow of your smile,

The subtle crinkling of your eyes,

Your confident stance reflected in another

My bruised heart still waits

For you to choose me this time.

